Monday, May 5, 2014

11 Suspects Arrested in Case of Missing Malaysian Plane

Some 2 months after disappearance of flight MH370, members of new, al-Qaeda terrorist cell arrested for alleged involvement in incident

Some two months after flight MH370 disappeared and most likely crashed in the Indian Ocean, Malaysian police arrested 11 al-Qaeda members on Saturday night for suspected involvement in the disappearance of the plane and the 239 passengers and staff. 

The 11 suspects, who were arrested in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur, are members of a new terrorist cell that has planned terror attacks on various Muslim countries.
The arrest of the 11 suspects, ages 22 through 55, including students, business people and even a young widow, comes after an intensive FBI and MI6 investigation.
The suspects are expected to be questioned regarding the disappearance of the Malaysian flight in March.