Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Citom: Major Roads In Cebu City Will Be Closed On Sunday

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

THOSE going out on Sunday are advised to avoid the Capitol area and the entire stretch of Osmeña Blvd. in Cebu City from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. if they don’t want to get stuck in heavy traffic.
At least five major roads will be closed to vehicular traffic at some point on Sunday to make way for the mass and solemn procession in honor of Christ the King. A certain stretch of about 12 roads and streets that cut across Osmeña Blvd. and the procession route will also be no entry points.
City Traffic Operations Management (Citom) executive director Rafael Yap advised the public to plan their trip on Sunday so they can identify alternative routes that will not be affected by the Archdiocese of Cebu’s mass and procession.

Citom warns of heavy traffic on Sunday afternoon, particularly around Capitol area, where the mass will be held at 4 p.m. Some 50,000 people are expected to attend the mass and the solemn procession in honor of Christ the King. The procession will end at Plaza Independencia.
“We encourage the motorists to avoid the area and to take the diversion routes, which are the South Road Properties and the North Reclamation Area… Roads will be closed at the very last minute, meaning we will do it phase by phase. We will try to keep the traffic flowing as long as we can,” Yap said yesterday.
Among the roads that will be closed are Osmeña Blvd., Colon St., D. Jakosalem St., M.C. Briones St., and the roads around Plaza Independencia.
The church activity, Yap said, will test the traffic scheme that Citom will implement for the International Eucharistic Congress (IEC) in 2016. A mass and procession will also be held during the IEC.
Parishioners of the different parishes across the province are expected to attend this Sunday’s activities.
Although the participants were already briefed by their respective parish priests, Yap reminded them to arrive at the venue early so they can still access parking areas and reach the Capitol grounds without any inconvenience.

News Source(s):
Sun Star Cebu